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Showing posts from July, 2019
  Characteristics of   trauma bonded relationships: A constant pattern of non-performance — your partner promises you things, but keeps behaving to the contrary. Others are disturbed by something that is said or done to you in your relationship, but you brush it off. You feel stuck in the relationship because you see no way out. You keep having the same fights with your partner that go round in circles with no real winner. You're punished or given the silent treatment by your partner when you say or do something "wrong." You feel unable to detach from your relationship even though you don't truly trust or even like the person you're in it with. When you try and leave, you are plagued by such longing to get back with your partner you feel it might destroy you        Key reasons for staying in trauma bonded relationships: Addictive quality It's a bit like becoming addicted to a drug. A psychologically abusive relationship is a rol...

Dealing with triggers-advice for recovering codependents

Codependence is oftentimes rooted in the feeling of inadequacy which stems of being shamed due to parental abandonment and neglect during childhood. Codependents in recovery learn to move past the shame of abandonment into enhanced self love.However, during this period, it is easy to backslide into old patterns of trying to rescue people, giving self up for crumbs of connection,allowing others to trample own boundaries, stalking exes on social media and so on. The following are some of the ways to deal with the triggers when they push you back into the old behaviors Practicing mindfulness Feeling the feelings and identifying them Repeatedly repeating the “I am enough” mantra Journaling painful feelings when they arise Finding yourself a support group like CODA a In addition to the above mentioned tips, one must also practice both physical and emotional self care help a recovering codependent stay sober.

Female weight loss- the best way

Size zero. 24 inch waist Lean legs No cellulite No fat on the face Protruding collar bones 32 inch butt No wrinkles Flawlessly glowing skin Flat abs The above are the kinds of features and bodies that models have and common women seek to replicate them.However, no matter how hard they workout or how austere their diet is, they don’t seem to be losing weight.Slogging at the gym doesn’t seem to be helping. The way out is as follows: Set realistic goals Accept that your structure and body is not that of models and while you will get thinner , you won’t look exactly like them Learn to get comfortable in your own skin Accept that your worth is not dependent on your dress size Eat enough nutrient dense foods with exercise because starvation/crash dieting impedes weight loss Add weight training to your list of workouts to get lean Load up on lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables Allow room for treats -an occasional cupcake or chocolate doesn’t h...

Physical manifestations of trauma

Trauma is created when we internalize memories of unpleasant incidences and store them subconsciously.These memories, while latent,stay stored in our body and manifest in the following ways: Nightmares Waking up in a cold sweat Body hardening /becoming tense at touch (for victims of physical abuse) Difficulty trusting others A closed off vibe when meeting new people Confusion, difficulty concentrating Anger, irritability, mood swings Anxiety and fear Guilt, shame, self-blame Withdrawing from others Feeling sad or hopeless Feeling disconnected or numb Being startled easily Difficulty concentrating Racing heartbeat Edginess and agitation Aches and pains Muscle tension