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Showing posts from June, 2020

Why did he stop texting-Top 10 Reasons

The following are top 10 reasons why men stop texting He was in it only for the sex /thrill of chase He was dating someone else alongside and has become exclusive with her He cannot handle commitment in a relationship contrary to his initial pitch He has mixed emotions about the relationship He does not have the balls to break up and hence ghosts He becomes acutely aware of his demons and wants to run He is stressed-loss of job/death in family etc are common stressors He is feeling vulnerable He is ashamed of something he did and is hiding He feels you deserve better 

Women who love too much

We often see women who only attract broke, abusive,emotionally battered/unavailable men .These men only offer crumbs in the relationship , are having underlying mental conditions/addictions and yet these women hold onto them and nurture them. The following are the reasons for the same: The woman was raised in an abusive environment and the paradigm of a relationship thus set for her was that riled in abuse The woman's father was emotionally unavailable and distant and she had to vie for his attention .She replicates the same in adult relationships. She has low self esteem and fear of being alone Subsconscious programming attracts her to those who feel familiar vibrationally, namely, the abusive and the unavailable She has a belief that if she rescues these men they will somehow grow to love her