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How to create balanced life

New job and additional project management responsibilities.International travel for work.Living out of the suitcase.Late night drinks with prospective clients to get new business.Tapas bar dates.Yoga between lunch and tea right inside the office.Screaming toddler ,split cornflakes and milk.Running late for the Pilates class.

Everything crumbling around .Time please.I just want to leave all this and go for a holiday in the Bahamas.Pending project report.Buzzing fax machine.Damn!!!

This is a snapshot in the life of a single ,middle-aged executive who works for a large corporation ( also a single parent to a toddler) in any large city in the world.She tries her best to meet the demands of those at work, at home and tries to pull time for activities and exercise.

The whole collage appears gray and then turns black though.

Her intentions about wanting to have a balanced lifestyle with fun and enjoyment along with career progression.Sadly, she is not able to manage it all.

Some of the ways in which one can have a balanced lifestyle are as follows:
  • Evaluate your current situation
  • Make a list of non-negotiables  i.e things you “ have to” do no matter how long your hours are.Stick to them and cut out  the rest .
  • Don’t try to do too much all at once-squeezing the pilates session and the tapas bar date despite having extremely long hours in the same week added onto the lady’s stress.Spread activities and meeting with people over days, needn’t be doing it all at once till the time one crumbles.
  • Exercise and meditate-Even if it is for 30-40 mins daily.It rejuvenates your internal emotional realm and makes you feel energetic and physically fit to take on more.Oh yeah, and don’t forget to eat healthy.
  • Outsource what can be outsourced to free up time for self-Be it getting the house cleaned or having someone sit the toddler-if you can afford it, do it.
  • Push activities towards weekend-Be it that new kizomba class or a speed dating session.Schedule more non-work activities over the weekend .
  • Prevent burnout-Sleep in on both Saturday and Sunday morning.A good sleep cures it all.
  • Tiny droplets fill up the pot philosophy-Do a little of something you want to get good at everyday, be it learning a new language or perfecting those ballet steps.Even 15 minutes of practice end up giving you expertise in 2-3 months .
  • Use commute time well-Be it sitting in the subway or bus-you can use that time to read/meditate and better yourself.

At the end of the day, for the busy individual,it is all about juggling the various balls that complete the jigsaw of life.Can be done.

All it takes is prior planning and an attempt to do it.


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