“What we don’t have is that which we have not sufficiently
desired yet”
What is Passion?
Passion is that burning desire to achieve a goal .It can be
any kind of goal-your own house, a successful business or simply traveling
around the globe with your own funds.It is quite often that initially one is
all fired up about such a goal but the fire is extinguished within no time.The
fire is also hard to re-kindle/gets re-kindled for some other goal but meets
the same fate.
Why the passion fades away
The passion was not our own-We saw someone running a
successful business or partying in yachts and thought that that was what we
wanted and was a means to escape corporate life.
We want the fruits but not willing to till the farmland-We
were fascinated by the rewards of the success we saw but have shied away from
putting in the hard work
Our supposed passion was to fit in-We realized a lot of our
cool millineal friends were either starting up or turning coaches and wanted to
fit into the mould as against being outcast for being conventional and boring,
so we pretended to be wanting to do those things as well
Our supposed passion was an escape-We thought that starting something
new would help us escape the misery of mortgage, crying baby and constant
whining at home.Apparently it didn’t’.
Our supposed passion was to prove a point-Many a times we
have negative and critical family members who , due to their own self loathing,
tell us that we won’t ever amount to much.Sometimes we take up new things to
prove them wrong but then we can’t complete those things.
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