and emotional intimacy is the most beautiful and satisfying feeling
ever.Intimacy requires us to become vulnerable and to be seen by another.It
also requires that we surrender control and give ourselves to another with the
trust that they will love and uphold us.
most of us are carrying shame from our childhood.It makes us feel insecure and
defective and afraid of being seen by another.Hiding, closing eyes, freezing
and acting distant are some of the ways in which we retract from truly merging
with another due to fear of revealing our true selves.Shutting down our
emotions is yet another method for the same.
Women have
a fear of vocalizing their needs and truly enjoying the beauty of intimacy
because they have been taught to be needless and silent since childhood.Thus,
when they meet a conscious emotionally fluid man they hide and don’t know how to conduct
self in relationship.
blockages erode intimacy.They prevent us from truly merging with the
Healing them entails releasing the shame around them and knowing that
expression is both validated and accepted.
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