Playing video games neglecting chores
Eating an entire box of oreo cookies and then hitting the gym 7 days a week
Lounging in office and then battling deadlines
Losing oneself in daydreaming and missing a flight
The above are some of the common things one does repeatedly and is unable to break the spiral.Repeatedly indulging in such things takes us away from our goal and makes us why we are not able to stop.Despite putting in efforts to stop,we're unable to stop.
Let us explore the reasons behind being unable to stop.
The main reason for being unable to stop is because our brain is hardwired to chase pleasure and the above things feel good and pleasurable to it.Furthermore, due to doing them repeatedly, our brain thinks of them as familiar by now and is hardwired move towards what feels familiar.
The good news though is that our brain is plastic and we can change these patterns by making the familiar unfamilar and the unfamiliar familiar.This would entail taking tiny steps in the opposite direction and telling yourself you're loving it.After a few weeks the brain would have bought this.
Thus pattern change is possible by rewiring the brain and making it a slave who listens and responds to our command.
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