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Showing posts from October, 2018

Excess-the subconscious indication for deeper re-examination of what needs relooking

Excessive drinking Porn addiction Sex addiction Over-eating Excessive exercising Workaholism/over achievement  till the point of dropping with exhaustion The above are some of the examples of overdoing some of the activities that people do.Everyone overeats or excessively works sometimes but constantly engaging in these excesses is detrimental to the body.It results in overweight,no time for self and breaking down from exhaustion.Furthermore, if a person has a porn or sex addiction it can lead to the demise of relationship with partner and also lead to fear or inability to feel intimacy. It is hence necessary to check and see where these excesses stem from , what our body and subconscious is trying to tell us via them and what we can do to heal. Let us divide the excesses into two categories 1.Addictions-Food and alcohol,porn, sex 2.Subtle "addictions" -Workaholism, over exercise Before we proceed a notch higher, we must understand that all our actions, ...

Adult relationships are childhood patterns at play

As adults we have multiple relationships with people around us-friendships, relationships at work,those with clients and bosses, family and of course romantic relationships.Each relationship encompasses a particular dynamic and one realizes as one looks at these that they all follow a pattern.When it comes to romantic relationships, most people’s relationships follow a pattern-duration,choice of mate, reasons for breakup and so on.One might then wonder why is it that these patterns arise and are constantly repeated.At times these patterns are also hurtful as one chooses toxic mates . The answer lies in relationship dynamic that parents had and what the child treated as a takeaway from that.Let us understand this with the help of two examples. Judy is a 26 year old female who works as a receptionist at a dentist’s office.She had an alcoholic father who raged and a subservient mother who over-gave to prevent his rages.She became quiet and needless.All her life judy felt unloved and...

The Impostor Syndrome

In many challenges – personal and professional – we are held back by the crippling thought that people like us could not not possibly triumph given what we know of ourselves: how reliably stupid, anxious, gauche, crude, vulgar and dull we really are. We leave the possibility of success to others, because we don’t seem to ourselves to be anything like the sort of people we see lauded around us. Faced with responsibility or prestige, we quickly become convinced that we are simply impostors, like an actor in the role of a pilot, wearing the uniform and making sunny cabin announcements while incapable of even starting the engines. It can feel easier simply not to try. The root cause of the impostor syndrome is a hugely unhelpful picture of what other people are really like. We feel like impostors not because we are uniquely flawed, but because we fail to imagine how deeply flawed everyone else must necessarily also be beneath a more or less polished surface. The impostor syndrome has...

Why Anger Has a Place in Love

It’s natural to imagine that the highest virtue in love would be kindness and, a close second, politeness. But there is an odd danger lurking here: a relationship where we are overly polite, where there is not enough directness, where things go wrong not because of a lack of tenderness or serenity but because of a stifling excess of manners, because there aren’t enough raised voices, insults, legitimate furies and moments where both partners feel free to call each other idiots and much worse. When we hear arguments between lovers, perhaps through a hotel bedroom wall, it is easy to fear for them and their union. But there is, within reason, something extremely vital and redemptive that can unfold within the occasional heated discussion. Living around someone is bound to be, at points, extremely disappointing. For love to remain vital, we need the freedom to give this disappointment expression. It seems we cannot love if love is all we are allowed to do. Many of us have implici...

How to overcome fear of engulfment in relationships

Fear of engulfment is the fear of getting controlled by partner or losing yourself in the relationship.It is a very strong fear of being swallowed by the partner and makes one run for the hills.The individual with this fear hence completely avoids relationships sometimes or is unable to sustain them and runs each time things begin to heat up. This fear is actually a fear of rejection .Due to this fear the individual gives too much in the early phases of the relationship so that they can please their partner and to ensure their partner likes them.They take responsibility for their partners feelings and want to make sure the partner stays happy and does not reject them.But this too much giving from the fear of rejection makes them feel trapped. The solution to this is to develop stronger boundaries, not take rejection personally and religiously practice inner bonding to develop a very strong sense of adult self. Let us see examples in of a person named Raymond who is 44 ...