Excessive drinking Porn addiction Sex addiction Over-eating Excessive exercising Workaholism/over achievement till the point of dropping with exhaustion The above are some of the examples of overdoing some of the activities that people do.Everyone overeats or excessively works sometimes but constantly engaging in these excesses is detrimental to the body.It results in overweight,no time for self and breaking down from exhaustion.Furthermore, if a person has a porn or sex addiction it can lead to the demise of relationship with partner and also lead to fear or inability to feel intimacy. It is hence necessary to check and see where these excesses stem from , what our body and subconscious is trying to tell us via them and what we can do to heal. Let us divide the excesses into two categories 1.Addictions-Food and alcohol,porn, sex 2.Subtle "addictions" -Workaholism, over exercise Before we proceed a notch higher, we must understand that all our actions, ...
Motivational ,transformational and emotional healing advice.