Success is likened to a big Ferrari and a house in the Bahamas
overlooking the sea for the rich and elite.It is that new closed deal after which
one manufacturing company will acquire the assets of another .It is that admit
into Stanford or Yale.It is that private equity job someone landed at KKR.It is
those new Cartier watches and that ride on the Lambourghini.
It is two square meals in sub-saharan Africa.It is a pitcher
of clean drinking water.It is admit to a school in war torn Syria.It is a night
of peace without any bomb going off during war.
It is that successful zazen you conducted with the team at
the dhamma centre.It is mindfulness and peace.It is yoga and green tea without
any stress.It is that trip to the Himalayas wherein you don’t have cell phone
network and hence loads of tranquility.
Success means different things to different people depending
upon where they’re at in life.
Determine what it means for you and then chase it
There is no quitting, only
pitstops .
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