We are born at our parents will.We have no control of the
time at which we are born.The initial few years of our life till we leave home
are primarily influenced by our family.Our parents thoughts , ideas and
limitations become ours.If our parents believe in destiny /doomed human
existence and are negative, we also start having such mindsets.Most people
believe by the time they are 18 that the course of life is already charted out
for them and sleep walk through life thereafter.They do not put in efforts into
any new endeavors or new experiences .
We must realize that life is something that was given to us
as gift and that the course it takes is upto us.The direction we give it will
determine how it rolls.The direction can enable us to achieve greater things
and not just let life take its course.
We can take control in the following ways:
1.Learn to take ownership of own actions:It is very easy to
blame the events in our life on destiny and not take ownership of these
things.Typical methods to avoid ownership are deflection and denial.One must
crush these habits and take ownership of the actions
2.Determining life purpose:Life is short-just a few years on
the planet and we spend most of it meandering through it instead of having a
purpose.A life purpose is the things which lend meaning to our existence and
enable us to chart the course of the events.It can be anything from being
perpetually happy to building a billion dollar business.Determine and live it.
3.Discipline in efforts:Laziness and procrastination are the
two biggest control breakers ,especially when working on a goal.Smash them with
the hammer of discipline and consistency in efforts.
4.Facing challenges boldly:Nobody’s life is
perfect.Challenges and adversaries are a common feature of everybody’s life.We
have two options in the light of a difficult situation-fight or give up.The winners fight and win.They
control the outcomes
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