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Why your wealth is not growing and solutions to turnaround

Why do most people take up a job or start a business
  • To earn xyz amount of money and be able to pay bills and survive.For most of them, the amount they earn every month has nothing to do with true passion towards the work they do.
  • Distribution of money earned for most people
  • If they do end up earning a surplus after meeting own and family’s basic needs -they either splurge,save or invest in fixed assets for most part.

Why is it considered bad to want more money?
  •          Social  and religious conditioning
  •          Associating callousness with greed
  •         Considering it a false god
  •          Considering it harmful enough to turn you into a self-centered monster

Why do you not move your butt to  seek more money?
  •          The middle -class “haves not” mentality
  •          Your parents have the mindset of “Less is good, there should be no risks” and it has been passed on to you
  •         You have fully accepted that you are destined to live a life of lack
  •          Broken record of “I do not deserve so much money.It will make me greedy and immoral maybe.Its ok to not chase it” has been playing non-stop
  •          Bullshit stories of “Simple living high thinking”  are being perpetuated in your head while at the same time  you’re craving that vacation in Florida beaches
  •          You have grown too comfortable and accustomed to forcibly living within your self-created limited means
  •          Success and abundance in all aspects of life scares the shit out of you
  •          You do not have a grip on your spending patterns and fear reckless spending

What you need to do to better your financial standing and get wealthy
Part A
Shift in attitude
  • Letting go of middle class “haves not” mentality
  • Burning the core belief that “ More money is bad”.Replacing it with core belief becoming “All abundance including more money is good”
  •  Creating a new story for yourself on the lines of “Money enables self -love via more* pleasures and new experiences
  •  Learn to positively appreciate yourself and consider yourself worthy of more including money
*Positive ,non-detrimental or reckless

How to enhance personal wealth
  •          If you work -Prime yourself for promotions or new jobs by getting requisite skills in place
  •          If you run a business-Focus on growth/expansion strategy when feasible
  •          Fuel your hunger for a better lifestyle including more comforts
  •          Learn to save certain % of wealth each month
  •         Invest in safe and return (10-20%) giving instruments each month or every couple of years without relying too much on financial planners
  •          Invest in complex instruments to the extent of 5-7% which give high returns
  •          Allocate only certain % of money earned to enjoyment and not let it turn into reckless spending (Ideally upto 10%)
  •          Avoid multiple mortgage payments at a time or in close proximity of each other


  1. Good lesson. Tells you to not to be content with what you have but you should strive for more. One more thing I like about the artice is that everything is to the point here. No extra stuff.


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