Social media platforms like instagram and facebook are an attention seekers paradise.These platforms are replete with lonely people who will engage with anything that shows up in their feed-all they need is to be stimulated.Further, some people have a habit of pressing like or heart button whenever they see a new post .This makes things fantastic for those seeking attention. The attention seeker comes in various forms-the over-sexed model in bikini pictures, the innocent girl pouting on a bad day, the gym rat showing off his muscles, the innocent girl sharing all her food pictures, the nerd getting photographed with the celebrity and so on.Those who seek validation to excessive levels often like their own posts or pictures by themselves as well. The following are the most common traits of attention seekers: Posting multiple times a day Posting provocative stuff Urging engagement/comments Posting something negative like "I know i look like a dork in this pair of gl...
Motivational ,transformational and emotional healing advice.