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Showing posts from April, 2020

Tips to deal with an egoistical boss

“When you wrestle with a pig in the mud, you get dirt over yourself!” This is a well known adage and holds true when dealing with an egoistical boss .The boss in question has a habit of being always right, ruling with an iron whip nothing short of being a dictator.He is not open to suggestions and gives incredibly harsh feedback. Further, he openly puts down subordinates in front of the management and pouts when he does not get his own way.He is nothing short of a grown man-child . Working with him leads to daily anxiety,panic attacks and one begins to question own self worth as well. The way out is to realize that not giving into the games he plays and standing firm in who you are can unsettle him .So allow him to bark all he wants-you focus on doing a good job .

10 signs of depression

Avoiding all social contact Not answering texts and phone calls Having an all pervading feeling of hopelessness Repeatedly questioning own self worth Loss of appetite and enthusiasm Listlessness Sleeping all day Suicidal thoughts over feeling worthless Headaches and panic attacks